
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Latin Dance Styles and Rhythms

Salsa: usually attributed to Cuba. Salsa is a variation of European and African dance styles. However, since salsa has its roots in so many dances and is open to improvisation, this style is very fluid.

Merengue: Originated in Dominican Republic, a two beat step that allows for intricate turns and wide open movements.

Cha Cha Cha: Originated from Salsa, but adding a shuffling of the feet. A rhythm also originated in Cuba.

Bachata: a rhythm originated in Domincan Republic that is slow and sensual, incorporates the Cuban hip motion and a unique "pop".

Reggaeton: An urban rhythm that originated in Panama and Puerto Rico similar to Hip Hop.

Punta: an African style dance that originated in Honduras and other Central American countries by the Garifuna people and is similar in many ways to belly dancing.

Karla Marie teaches Belly Dance and Latin styles described above.

Crescent Lotus Studio
3143 Calhoun St.
New Orleans, LA
(off Claiborne)

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